Blaze Church in Flanders is conducting drive-through food distributions every Thursday from 1 to 2 p.m.
Blaze Church pastor Keith Indovino said volunteers will place bags of groceries in your trunk or back seat. The church has bread, vegetables, pasta, rice, beans, soup, peanut butter, jelly snack items and more.
“If you are in need or know someone who is, come on down to the church. We’ve got hundreds of bags of groceries that we’re giving away every single Thursday,” Indovino said in a video posted to the church’s Facebook page yesterday.
Blaze Church is located at 50 Bell Avenue in Flanders, next to the Flanders-Northampton ambulance headquarters and Crohan Community Center.
The Blaze Church “super market” is supported by All for the East End (AFTEE), which is managed by the Long Island Community Foundation, Riverside Rediscovered, Flanders, Riverside and Northampton Community Association (FRNCA) and Women of the Moose. Donations to support this effort may be made to the church online at BlazeChurch.org